Charter of the Weavers’ Guild of Gwyntarian
- Purpose: To promote spinning, weaving and dyeing, et al, within the Marche of Gwyntarian and the Middle Kingdom.
- Patrons and Festivals
The patron saints of the guild are:
- Catherine of Alexandra (spinning)
- Agatha (weaving)
- Lydia Purpura (dyeing)
Three annual festivals will be held during the month of the saint’s feast day, or in July for St. Lydia.
- Nov. 25: St. Catherine
- Feb. 5th: St. Agatha
- Aug. 3rd: St. Lydia
The patron saints of the guild are:
- Membership
- The Weavers’ Guild of Gwyntarian shall consist of the spinners, dyers, and weavers of the Marche of Gwyntarian and anyone in the SCA who desires to be a member of the guild and who follows the guild laws as set forth in this charter.
- Members shall share the cost of guild expenses.
- Guild meetings are open to all interested parties in the SCA.
- Guild members shall share information and knowledge with any interested SCA member.
- Hierarchy
Guild mistress/master
- Will be elected annually by the membership at the time of the charter revision.
- Will set standards with the consent of the membership.
- Will officiate at meetings.
- Will represent the guild as spokesperson at formal, non-guild functions.
- Will announce meetings, feast days and miscellany.
- Will be elected annually by the membership at the time of the charter revision.
- Will take notes of matters within the guild and concerning the membership.
- Will post copies of the minutes of each meeting in the appropriate newsletter.
- In the absence of the guild mistress/master will announce meetings and/or designated speaker.
Guild mistress/master
- Removal of officers will be by a 2/3 vote of the guild after a formal hearing of grievances.
- The charter shall be reviewed and revised annually or as needed.
- Apprentice: all persons will enter the guild as apprentices.
At time of submission, an apprentice may advance to journeyman by vote of the entire guild with:
- Master’s opinion worth 3 points
- Journeyman’s opinion worth 2 points
- Apprentice’s opinion worth 1 point
- Petitioner’s opinion worth 0 points
- Petitioner must present samples that display competence in period spinning, weaving and dyeing.
Spinning: skeins of 3 different period fibers, 2 skeins of each fiber, each skein of each fiber spun differently.
- Each skein must have a minimum of 100 yards – finished fiber; plied and singles.
- Documentation of the fiber must be produced at the time of submission.
- Suggestions for fibers:
- Wool: Singles, 2 ply, 3 ply, woolen, worsted, long draw or short draw
- Linen: tow, line, wet, dry
- Silk: reeled, thrown
- Cotton
- Or any other documentable fiber
Weaving: 3 period woven items must be submitted in 3 period techniques.
- Each weaving must be completed.
- The pieces should be woven with appropriate period fibers and yarns.
- Documentation must be submitted at the time of submission.
- Suggested weaves:
- Harness weaves: plain, twill, satin, damask, velvet, other documentable weave
- Weaver controlled weaves: lace, tapestry, brocade, velvet, other documentable weaves
- Miscellaneous: netting, sprang, finger weaving, fingerlooping
- Braiding, cardweaving, other documentable weaves
- Each woven piece should be of suitable size to show consistence and competence in technique and of a suitable size for its intended purpose in period.
- Must be in samples of 3 period dyes.
- Dyepots must be prepared by the candidate.
- Must be on period fibers with period mordants.
- Dye color must be even throughout in accordance with medieval ideals.
- Documentation of the dyes and mordants must be produced at time of submission.
At time of submission, an apprentice may advance to journeyman by vote of the entire guild with:
Upon presentation of a masterpiece in period spinning, weaving, and dyeing, a journeyman may become a master by vote of the entire guild.
- Master’s opinion worth 3 points
- Journeyman’s opinion worth 2 points
- Apprentice’s opinion worth 1 point
- Petitioner’s opinion worth 0 points
The weaving masterpiece must be of suitable complexity to warrant the advancement and must be perfectly executed. It should be entirely handspun and dyed with period dyes by the petitioner.
- It must be a completed item of a suitable complexity or a length of finished fabric (minimum 6 yards).
- Project may be submitted to the guild for recommendations and guidance.
- The masterpiece must be prepared from the raw fiber in a period manner using period technique. Exception: gold or silver thread may be of a simulated thread NOT PREPARED BY THE PETITIONER.
Acceptable equipment:
- Fiber Preparation: hand combs, carders, other as documented
- Spinning: drop spindle, wheel as documented for fiber and period of piece submitted, other as documented
- Weaving: harness looms (no jacquard looms, dobby looms or computer operated looms), other as documented
The colors in the masterpiece should be hand dyed.
- There must be at least one dyed color in the masterpiece.
- It must be period in dye and technique, using period dyes, mordants and recipes.
- Complete documentation of all aspects of the masterpiece is REQUIRED.
Upon presentation of a masterpiece in period spinning, weaving, and dyeing, a journeyman may become a master by vote of the entire guild.
- Alternative Fiber Specialties: members wishing to establish a subgroup of fiber specialties may form such a group.
Guild Badge
- The guild badge shall be a fret parted in fretty or, with a field designated as follows: vert for the entire guild and apprentice; azure for journeyman; gules for master.
- A member may not wear a badge designating a rank other than his/her own.
- The guild badge, with the proper rank designation, may be put on works made by a member. Works made by the guild as a whole will have a green field.
Web revisions:
- 4 September 2009 (initial online publication)
- 10 March 2014
Changed “Will give copies of the minutes of each meeting to the Chronicler of the White Shield” to “Will post copies of the minutes of each meeting in the appropriate newsletter” in IV/B/4 - 4 April 2015
- Added “Singles” to VII/B/3
- Added “and period of piece submitted” to VII/C/2/d
- 13 April 2020
Under Hierarchy/Scribe, deleted “Will be responsible for keeping the MOAS of the Marche of Gwyntarian up-to-date with the pertinent activities of the guild.” (Members may now report directly to the kingdom via their website.)